Twelve years ago, I started law school. It seems like a lifetime ago, but after finishing college early and getting married, I started law school. A three-year journey and then passing the BAR exam, I started a job as a paralegal at a local law firm – up the street from where I lived. Then, a baby happened, and suddenly, working in an office all day long did not really appeal to me.
I started blogging – a digital scrapbook of Charlie’s life – and soon found the perfect fit. I kept working at this local law firm part-time, had Jack, and the summer after he turned one, I made a leap and went to NYC for a blogger conference after first learning that my blog could actually make me money.
While there, I stayed with a childhood friend who has known me FOREVER. Over dinner, we talked about trying to get into the field of public relations and marketing. I lamented the fact that I would possibly have to go back to school and in my late 20s with two kids, going to school AGAIN, was not a real possibility for our family. He then told me point-blank that he felt I was doing the wrong thing with my life and that day is forever burned into my brain.
Thus, started a trajectory of working hard, taking an unusual route to doing things that felt the most natural fit for my personality type. Law firm by day, blogger by night. Mom all in between there.
Then, an opportunity as a marketing manager at a local food chain opened up, and I made the switch from a legal career to one in social media, event planning, and marketing – did that just happen? Now I was working for a restaurant during the day, blogging and freelancing at night – working hard to establish a name for myself.
Eventually, that freelancing and blogging landed me a full-time position with a company that I have been partnering with for three years. I started a dream job – working from home full-time, being able to participate in my kids’ school lives actively, and sometimes finding time to clean my house.
Two months after that, I also started selling LuLaRoe with my sister-in-law and in a matter of months, we have a team of women joining us on this journey and each day is a new adventure. Coordinator by day, Leggings Maven by night.
If you had told me four years ago, in that restaurant with my friend, that I would be now partnering with major brands and selling patterned pants to women I’ve never met, I would have laughed you out of the city.
Life is a series of opportunities to make a leap. The decision to jump can be a difficult one, but what is awaiting you on the other side can be the greatest reward. Don’t hesitate, just leap!
Change is scary, but not pursuing all that you were destined to do is scarier.
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