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We’ve been on this leggings journey for 13 weeks now and life couldn’t be better in the fashion regard! I don’t buy leggings as often, but instead create new outfits to jazz up what I already own and to reuse the pairs that I love a whole lot! My aim is to constantly be working to create new looks without breaking the bank. People often ask, “Why leggings?” And to that I say, “Why not?” I usually always know that I’m wearing leggings on a particular day and I’m quickly able to build an outfit AROUND what I put on my legs. I feel confident because I am more put together than I am most other days. Plus, who doesn’t love a big, bold colorful print?
It’s easy to look at the flaws and wonder if there’s something you could change (there ALWAYS is), but the goal is to embrace every part of you – the good and the bad – because it is WHO you are! Your selection of clothes don’t define you as a person, but they can help you highlight and show little pieces of who that is.
Shirt: Randy by Lularoe
Leggings: Lularoe | Sandals: Zambia, Africa
Dress: Lularoe| Leggings: Lularoe | Necklace: Payless | Glasses: Jim’s
Leggings in Motion
Leggings: zulily | Sandals: forever old | Shirt: Don’t remember | Cardigan: Torrid | Necklace: Don’t remember
Leggings: zulily | Sandals: old | Shirt: old | Necklace: Payless | Glasses: Target
Life is too short to spend time caring about what other people think. So wear leggings, wear skirts, wear skorts, and wear shorts. But don’t ever forget to wear confidence that you are uniquely you and AMAZINGLY AWESOME just the way you are!
What’s on your fashion menu this week?
I LOVE those last leggings SO MUCH!