Two and a half years ago, I was on the brink of starting my 29th year of life. Full of life and possibility. I made a list. A big long list of all the things I wanted to do “before 30.” I took a leap and jumped by signing up for the Rock n Roll Half Marathon the following summer.
I trained not one single day.
And so July came and went. A vapor, a dream, and nothing more but a reminder of a devastating failure.
Fast forward to 2013. Four weeks into my Treadmill Tuesdays and suddenly, the prospect of running a half-marathon entered my mind again. Jim was planning to run to better his marathon corral time. And deep down, that yearning to cross the finish line started.
So when I couldn’t even run one mile without stopping, on December 31st, I signed up for the First Midwest Half Marathon.
And I did something I hadn’t really done before.
I trained. And ran. And walked. And focused on just getting there.
And now, on the eve of May 4th, the pit in my stomach forms. The reminder of my previous failure. The shortcomings of all I think I can’t do flood me. But tomorrow morning, I will get up. I will go. I will begin what I never started two and a half years ago.
And no matter how long it takes, I will finish.
Thought I’d take a few minutes to dedicate some of my mileage as a small token of my thanks. I can’t possibly name every single person, comment or like, but know that every word helps me. Every single one. So much so that I even cried today being overwhelmed by it all.
Mile 1 – Blogging & Facebook Friends & Family
Gosh – every like, comment, and private message. If you only knew how those have pulled me from the depths of weight loss despair. Your love, support and virtual hugs change me every single day.
Mile 2 – David (big bro)
For the Saturdays you sacrificed time, energy, and love. For the times, you pushed me to plank longer, run harder, and jump faster. Love you!
Mile 3 – Jessica & Marisa
For loving me, complimenting me, and encouraging me. For watching my kids, so I could make things in my life a priority. LOVE YOU!
Mile 4 – Sarah Cupcakes
A reminder every day of what it’s like to have a sister. For pushing me to be a better person inside and out. Your sunny outlook on life keeps me sane (and happy!) You’re amazing and LOVE YOU!
Mile 5 – Riya
Messages, encouragement, memes, and the like – you have been a constant source of support and love. Every one you meet is blessed by you. So dang lucky to call you family AND friend. xoxoxo
Mile 6 – Julie
A buddy, pal, confidante and friend. You inspire me! Thank you for your advice, suggestions and for being there to cheer me on. You will never know just how much that means to me. Can’t wait to cheer you on in the summer! Mucho love!
Mile 7 – Jen
Snapchat friend and fellow workout bud. From the hashtag challenges to encouraging me to keep on keeping on, your support has been invaluable. Love your face!
Mile 8 – Bethany
My BFF for life. Missus from another Mister and Mrs. Your family’s love of running has always inspired me and if I could only be half as awesome as you, then I’d be doing okay. LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU KNOW. xoxoxo
Mile 9 – Mom
For watching the boys. For encouraging me to keep going. For learning to eat healthy with me and encouraging me daily with texts. Love you mucho.
Mile 10 – Dad
For your constant reminders of just how strong I am. For sending me just what I need to hear at just the right time. For telling me to not quit, but to stay strong. For being there through it all. Love you!
Mile 11 – Bill
For finishing what we start, even when it’s really flippin’ hard. To the man that I started my whole health journey because of. We are overcomers. Love you.
Mile 12 – Myself
For believing that for once in my life I could do it. For waking up early even when I didn’t want to. For learning to say no to some things, so I could say YES to myself. For finally making my health a priority.
Mile 13 – God
To a source of constant love, comfort, and grace. For helping me write my story one mile at a time. For reminding me along the way just how I truly blessed I am.
See you at the finish line!
So so proud of you!!
I’m so excited and proud of you. When’s the next one so I can join you? 🙂
Congratulations! You’re gonna do amazing!
(((hugs))) You’ve got this!
That is awesome! Rock it during the race =) You’ve got this!
You are gonna do great! Love this and love you. xoxo