Happy Five Week Birthday, Treadmill (one day early!) This past week was filled with firsts and much to be celebrated. We passed the one month mark, celebrated a journey of loss, and ventured into new territory.
I tried Zumba for the first time and exercised for the first time with my personal trainer brother. During that workout, I ran, I walked, and climbed 42 flights of stairs. I also worked on the Superman, the Spiderman, and did planks – confident that I would pass out and as one Facebook friend described them as, “Water-Boarding without the water.” I am however proud to say that I successfully completed that workout AND even ran outside for the first time this past Sunday when the temps broke 40 degrees. I finished 2 miles in 27 minutes and walked & ran. I’ll take it!
Celebrating small victories and progress. I’m following a training schedule now, so mileage will go down, but the time I workout will hopefully go up as I add in some other activities, like Zumba.
Treat yourself to our giveaway and share some of your tips and tricks for making it through month TWO!
Congrats Sam! Keep it up!