It seems like only yesterday we celebrated his birth (story || pictures). We then moved on to Pirates for his 1st Birthday and a celebration for the big TWO! Another year has passed and my “baby” is three. Goodness, time flies when you’re having fun!
Jackie D.,
There are hardly enough words to encompass just how much tenacity you bring to the Earth. You are a passionate soul and from the depths of your being you love & hate to the extremes. You tell me on a daily basis that I break your heart, but you also end most nights snuggled close to mine. You are caring, loving, and look for your big brother always.
Some of your favorite things: the iPad, carbohydrates (preferably in the form of sugar & bread), chicken nuggets, milk, coloring, building things, & being a big helper by cleaning up. You love to see what I’m cooking or what we’re putting into a pan. You desire to try everything your older brother and cousins do despite your young age. You love watching Car’s Toons on Netflix. Umizoomi is one of your favorites and you are always looking for “sum-ping to eat.” Your favorite phrases include, “I get sum-ping, you get nuffing!” “ugh” (said in monotone) and variations of “You bwoke my heart.” The way you speak has become much clearer and for the most part, you communicate your thoughts well. You LOVE playing with your wooden train tracks and you love reading books before bed.
You have biceps & abs, something that terrifies me on a body so small. Your hair has lost the ringlets of your first year and big boy haircuts make you look twenty-five. Your hair is also taking on a darker hue that reminds me of your daddy. You sometimes like to throw things and have occasionally lived up to your incredible Hulk likeness well.
Age 1 – every other picture is within the past few weeks
Despite your January birthday, you do not love playing outside in the snow. You eat vegetables by dipping them in ranch and you are a risk taker in some, but not all ways. You’re not always a fan of listening, but your strong-willed personality makes you YOU. My hope is that we never squash that leadership nature in you, but merely…ahem, direct it in the right way.
You’re three now. Not five. As you’ve told almost everyone (except the doctor) throughout the past year. Today IS your birthday. Despite the fact that you have denied this for the past week. Today is all about YOU! May God continue to richly bless you as you have blessed us. Our Miracle Baby #2 born on a warm winter day in 2011. You arrived much like your personality now – on your terms, when YOU wanted to.
Love you more than these few words even express, Jackie Boo.
Happy birthday, Jackie!
Happy Birthday Jack!!