Four weeks ago, I was prepared for Halloween. I asked the boys what they wanted to be, knowing that costume building could take a while. Charlie vacillated back and forth and Jack said the usual, “NUFFING!” and we went about our merry way.
Two weeks ago, Charlie decided he wanted to be a LEGO man. I picked up a butter box from work. Jack, “NUFFING!”
Last week, Charlie & Daddy decided to make a LEGO Flash costume. What’s that you ask? This guy!
Jack, “NUFFING!”
A quick run to Sam’s Club for a Cheese puffs container, multiple trips to Walmart for enough paint to cover it and digging up old costumes to find the matching mask and we were well on our way. Or so I thought.
A run-down Momma & tired family meant we crashed into bed on Wednesday evening. I woke up in the morning and shopped at 5;30 a.m. for supplies for Charlie’s Harvest party. At 6:45 a.m., I was packing snacks for the party, Jim was adding finishing touches to Charlie’s still-drying costume, and I was frantically looking for face paint to throw something on that would be considered “dressed-up” like the other moms.
I cringed as more and more of my house became cluttered. I squeezed my eyes at the thought of trying to clean this whole mess up. I was frustrated at the fact that I had {once again} misplaced something that I wanted at that moment. The frustration level was rising, time was running out and the morning was off to a rough start (adding to that the steady rainfall).
Eventually, while Charlie’s costume dried, he decided to go as Mario and I made a split second decision to go as Luigi. I dropped the eyeliner into a puddle on the way into school as we trudged forward to the party. No mustache for me then! But Charlie lit up. The fact that I tossed on a cheap costume without a second thought about it seemed to put a smile on his face.
I headed home after running some errands, feeling run-down and blah. Jim finished painting the LEGO Flash (awesome!) while I prepped things to celebrate Momma’s Birthday! I prayed for the rain to let up because after all, we had worked so hard on this costume that would either a.) Be Ruined or b.) Wouldn’t be used at all!?
We caught up with our fabulous neighbors and decided to venture out…
Jack was nearing breakdown INEEDANAP mode prior to trick or treating and we cajoled him into wearing the Batman costume we had. He kept the mask on half the time and started the evening by sitting in the wagon, refusing to budge as the kids collected candy. He was tossed a few pieces out of sympathy. Poor second child with not-handmade costume…And yes, we realize a Spiderman Umbrella is not with the theme – Deal. He did however look like he belonged to the neighbor parents who both had Batman t-shirts on and a pup with a Batman costume on. We’ll take it!
Eventually, Jack joined the bigger kids and would run from house to house dragging his bucket that became more and more weighed down to see “SO MANY CANDIESSSSSS!” and then stop to pick up the small trail he left behind each time. The rain came and went, the umbrellas were costume accessories and we trekked down the block in search of the best houses!
So how did Charlie’s costume turn out?
I’d have to say pretty fabulous. Assembly & painting thanks to Daddy and Mommy, Charlie was fully decked out. We got one good picture. By himself. Then we headed outside where we left the shoes behind (too cumbersome), the legs followed about seven houses after (walking like Frankenstein is hard work!), and the Lightning Bolt ears coming off here and there. The main paint and box held up very well all things considered and we hurried back after a few blocks of getting soaked in the rain.
We finally found the face paint and spent the rest of the night handing out candy, enjoying trick or treaters and celebrating with the ones we love. A costume that was four weeks in the making, lasted all of four minutes, but created memories that will forever be cherished because of a single photo.
Sometimes, we try so desperately to make life Pinteresting that we forget how to be interested. I’m guilty.
When my trail mix just might not have brown and orange M&Ms, I burst into tears. (It was the face paint, I’m telling you!)
Our Halloween afternoon has about five pictures.
And that’s fine by me.
Because at the end of the day, life goes by in a flash.
Don’t spend your time worrying about what you didn’t do, but rather what you did.
I saw your costume and felt like a failure yesterday! I don’t have the time or patience to make handmade right now. My kids all wore internet bought pirates costumes. At least they were dressed up and happy, though. Glad the rain finally took a break for a few hours during trick or treat time! Charlie took the kids out so I didn’t get to see the craziness this year.
Noah did not get a costume this year, i refused to buy one as he would ball it up and never wear it again. We searched pinterest for face paint and went from there. It was a huge hit with lots of compliments. We had a mummy hoodie and a bloody knife accessory BAM killer clown. Avery was Hello Kitty (Halloween party), Captain America, a Grey Kitty Turned Bunny (couldnt find cat ears!) {at school} and for trick or treat: he was Finally HULK! we had a mike costume but he refused to wear it. so i returned it and got him a character Hoodie (again) something he could continue to wear and love. WIN in my book! 🙂
Love this and love Charlie’s costume!
That’s exactly what I was thinking in the beginning of this post….the self imposed do it all pressure/must replicate pinterest 🙁 The costume came out awesome though, great job guys! And I’m glad Jack got into in the end! Those toddlers don’t know what’s good for em 😉