To one of my greatest blessings, Charlie Bear, on your first day of Pre-K~
My goodness, where has the time gone? It seems like only yesterday that you were a screaming bundle of baby complete with fair skin & the disposition of an Angel. Seeing you grow and change has been one of my proudest endeavors, but knowing that you are growing so quickly breaks this momma’s heart! You are a kind and gentle soul, worried about the feelings of others. You wear your heart on your sleeve and love to share your smiles with those you love. You are an amazing big brother to Jack, even when you fight with him and your ability to be his hero and his nemesis all at the same time is fascinating.
I love the way you give gentle kisses goodnight and still ask us to snuggle you. I love that you still like to sneak into our bed to sleep and ask us to help you drift off into dreamland. I love that you run downstairs and immediately want to get dressed – preparing for the day ahead! Your naps have waned with our busy schedule, but your sleepy eyes early on tell me that you still need them.
Here’s all about you last year, I’ll give you the same quiz tomorrow and see how you do. You longed for your old teachers and classroom, but you have adjusted well and are loving your new space. You love Cars, Planes, princesses, pink, purple, and nature. You’ve recently fallen in love with Disney World, Power Rangers and reading this massive Disney book which led you to Tarzan. You enjoy doing fractions with daddy and snacking on Buffalo Wing Puff Goldfish.
You are one of our most beautiful treasures and I’m honored to mother you. Happy first day!
Love, Mommy
How sweet is this?!
I think it’s hard to let go and watch our babies grow, but I know they are better off when we allow them to do so.