The past few months have brought a series of changes for our family, some bad, some good, but mostly much good. I thought I’d do a quick post to update you on where we are now and hopefully do a bit more “personal” posting from here on out! (I promise!)
I started teaching again and was challenged to take a first day of school picture. Here ya go!
Jackie started swimming with a puddle jumper this weekend. He loves jumping in the water and gets mad at the filter when it blows him clear across the pool. Can’t wait to see how he is next summer!
We bought a couch. Finally. After two months in our new home. We have seating. For more than a child. Or just one person. Hooray!
We’ve been enjoying this HUGE space SO much!
And we’ve been practicing our fractions…
And writing.
Was this summer good to your family? What sorts of things did you do?
AWESOME! Congratulations on teaching (again?)!! What grade?!
The new couch looks great!
I love that your kiddos are swimming and learning FRACTIONS!