Just a few weeks ago, Disney Planes were the next of the Disney Pixar Films to fly into theaters! A branch-off from Disney Pixar Cars the movie, Disney Planes the movie has recreated that transportation magic all over again! With two little guys, we definitely added it to our must see list and will be checking it out soon. Imagine my surprise when Walmart began to feature some of the key airplane players in special themed toys. Not only will some of those make our Christmas list, but they were perfect for our upcoming trip to Orlando.
After an unexpected surprise vacation for us at the end of this month, we also discovered that we would be flying down to Universal Studios Florida. Charlie (age 4) and Jack (age 2) would be taking their very first plane ride! As part of my trip preparations, I began to plan the plane ride and what sorts of things I would need to keep them happy and occupied and for the adults on the trip to keep their sanity. In addition to the typical suggestions such as coloring books, snacks, and their blankies, someone else suggested that we think about giving them a few small new toys to garner their interest and keep them interested in the excitement of the day!
I made several lists of everything we needed and then I headed to Walmart to pick up last-minute trip additions and to choose which planes would fly into each of the boys’ bags for the special flight. As a mom of two boys, die-cast cars are a staple in our home. An entire bin of cars, trucks, and the like confirm that these are a hit with our boys and they always choose one or two of these to take with them whenever we go anywhere! When shopping, I made a beeline right for the die-cast Planes from Disney Walmart #WorldofCars #cbias #shop and knew I couldn’t go wrong! With quite a few to choose from, I bought two for each boy and made sure each was similar (We wouldn’t want fighting over these new special surprises!)
Each plane was opened and one was placed in each bag. I then left one for Charlie and one for Jack on the counter the morning of our early flight out of Chicago. As the two sleepy faces came down the stairs, their eyes popped open at the new surprises that awaited them! Clutching each plane, the boys headed out the door and never let them go. As the plane prepared for take-off, the boys readied their Planes to take flight. Jack mimicked airplane noises and flew his all around his seat! Charlie perched his facing the window so as not to miss any of the action!
Forgive the quality of this photo. It was 4 a.m. with a cell phone without flash. You can still see how delighted they were with their surprises!
Now as we prepare to head home, I have managed to keep those two other special planes for our return flight. They have spied them a few times amidst packing and their excitement only grows. “Can we have the other Planes!?” is a question I have heard several times on our short vacation getaway. I can’t wait to finally share those later today as we board their second airplane ride home! Toys that I am sure will be treasured in the years to come and a reminder of this special “first” in their lives.
The timing of this movie and our vacation was a pleasant surprise and the toys were great distractions on our flight. After seeing what is available at Walmart, such as Disney Planes Dusty, I also know that several of the Disney Planes toys will be on our Christmas wish lists this year. They would make great stocking stuffers or something to give at a birthday party.
Which Disney Planes character has flown into your heart?
Ok seriously, your boys and their excitement for the Disney Planes toys was just too cute! I am so glad they enjoyed them!