“The world is shaped by two things — stories told and the memories they leave behind.”
Vera Nazarian
On May 5th, I am honored to be telling a part of my story and sharing memories as part of a production {Listen to Your Mother} about motherhood’s stories as a series of live readings as told on stage and through social media. I’m not making this up – check out the cast list that just went live this week! I wrote something last year that I didn’t love (and consequently, didn’t make the show), but this year, when they asked for submissions, the piece literally flew off my fingers and alas, here we are.
Expect to hear stories from all different perspectives of motherhood and life – from mothers, daughters, sisters, and friends. We share these stories, not just to pass along memories to others, but to encapsulate them for ourselves in a tangible way. Never stop writing, even if no one ever hears you. Keep telling your stories – someone will listen. The wisdom we can learn from one another is endless, but we must be willing to share.
For the weeks leading up to the show, I want to feature YOUR stories – right here on the blog. The good, the bad, the ugly – your road to motherhood, thoughts on your own mother, stories about your kids and what makes you a mother – it’s up to you! Bring it here and welcome to our “stage!” I cannot wait to hear what you have to say! Send us a comment or email us your story at samantha.a.schultz@gmail.com.
And share I will!
Hope to see you there.
{And because Lisa gave her a shout-out :: HI, Rita!!! – thank you for all of your support}
Nice! What a great idea!!
How fun! What about those of us that didn’t make the cast? 🙂
So excited to be in the cast with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Share the stories!! Welcome to the cast, Samantha!
That’s such a great idea – I look forward to reading along with the stories, and sharing the stage with you in May.
Congrats again, Pin-It!! You know that’s what I’m going to be calling you for the next 50 years, right? Sorry. I have issues. Can’t wait to meet you!
So so excited for you Sam. Love this!
Can’t wait to see what your readers submit, and can’t wait to hear your story at rehearsal! Looking forward to meeting you!