And so begins the countdown from my youth…I love Fall. I love this month. I love my birthday! I slacked off on my Thirties Bucket List, but I plan to try to make up for lost time. Hang with me this month for some excitement, twists & turns, and a journey to a better me!
So without further ado, an updated (and slightly modified Bucket List) – with just twenty-five days to complete MOST of it.
1. Downtown with Kaeli – sitting in our usual window seat – telling stories about the passers-by…♥ (Yay! All done!)
2. Re-enact a childhood nightmare with Sera. Except this time, not get burned to a crisp. (Modification: I will modify this. Somehow. Since this month is….cold. Stay tuned!)
3. Send snail mail once a month to someone – NOT local. (Modification: I have sent some snail mail over time. I WILL send out 12 letters this month. I promise!)
4. Bake or prepare one from-scratch-never-before dessert per month. Share with a family member or friend. (Modification: 12 desserts – think I can do it?!)
5. Read one of these classics each month of my 29th year. (Modification: Wow, what was I thinking?! Who has time for books? I indulged in the modern trilogy – The Hunger Games, so I’ll consider this a win!)
6. Get a tattoo (Or another tattoo that I find equally as perfect).
7. Spend a day in the rain with my kids.
8. Contact an influential teacher in my life and send a gift just to say, “thanks.” (Letter & package to Mrs. Claire will go out this month!)
9. Get my very first facial. (DONE!! Received my first one this weekend at The Heartland Spa and it was delightful. I also learned a bit about my skin including the fact that I have very small pores and just a small amount of skin damage under my eyes. SO informative and relaxing!)
10. Spend my 30th birthday IN Boston with my boys!! (Modification: After much talking, instead of taking a vacation now. We’ll be going in January. to Jamaica. w00t! The deposit’s already in, so I’ll consider this “done.”)
11. Ride the Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier while still in my 20s with my husband. (It’s where we got engaged!)
12. Spend a night out on the town with my hubby dancing.
13. Be in the best physical shape of my adult life. (Modification: HUGE slacker in this department. SO I’m planning something interesting for this one…stay tuned. I vow that this will STILL happen IN my 30th year, so I guess that counts…sort of!)
Any plans before a Milestone Birthday for yourself? I’ll keep coming back to this list and we’ll celebrate with some treats along the way!
Happy October!!!
So exciting! Love that you guys are going to Jamaica! Love you friend!!
Love you, friend!