I started off homeschooling Alex at first, just last year for 4th grade and we just did traditional text books. Now I use Sonlight for my two oldest which incorporates a Charlotte Mason approach along with text books and Abeka arithmetic.
What made you decide to homeschool rather than to continue to utilize the public school?
This is a pretty loaded question lol..but my heart was not really in it all the way til this school year. I decided to homeschool my eldest son last year because of the problems he was having – being influenced(in the wrong ways) by his peers and also the amount of time involved in homework with him every night was ridiculous – at least two hours. So I started thinking why am I stressing him out AND myself when I could be homeschooling and be finished by noon every day!! The other main reason is that, as I’m sure you know, we are Christians and I truly feel God was calling me to do this. I started wondering if we are trying to instill good morals and values and good character traits in our children, but sending them to public school for 7 hours a day…how in the world are we to capture their hearts when we only get them for a few hours of the day?! It all seemed so counterproductive to me if I kept them in public school. It has definitely been a process. I always said when I first had kids that I would NEVER homeschool! Well, God has certainly changed my heart about that one but it took me a while to get here.
How many kids (and what are their ages) that you are currently homeschooling?
4 children – Alex is 10 and in 5th grade, Isabella is 9 and 4th grade, Logan is 4 and in Pre-K, and Lilah is 2 and in preschool. {And there’s also little Maverick who’s just a month and a half and he’s busy just being a heartthrob!!!!} [That last part’s from me – Samantha]
Do you have any resources [online or otherwise] that you utilize to plan lessons or a curriculum?
I use Sonlight and Abeka for my curriculum but I do use the library, the Old Schoolhouse Magazine, my other homeschooling friends, and various other websites in addition to our curriculum.
How do you balance typical wife/mom duties with also being a teacher?
Ha very carefully! Since I have older children I do have a LOT of help. They have designated chores every day and I also have a very helpful husband 🙂 If it were not for all of us working together as a team, I would not be able to do it!
How long do you think you will homeschool [up to what age]?
I will take it one year at a time and continue to homeschool as long as the Lord leads me to.
Any tips or tricks you can suggest to moms who are thinking about homeschooling (or who already do)?
Definitely join a homeschool support group..you’ll need it!
Thanks so much for this interview. I also homeschool my two grand daughter that I have custody of, but through the K12 Virtiual Academy online program. I have wanted to quit so many times until I go back over why I’m doing it. I really think I needed this interview just to reaffirm within me that what I’m doing is right and don’t worry about others that want to condem me for it.
Hi Pat!
Thank you so much for your response and I am glad to hear that the posting encouraged you. We will have some other homeschool interviews in the weeks to come as well.
Have a blessed week!