Inevitably, as your kids grow up, change, and develop, the people around you have quite a bit of fun guessing who they look like and what character traits they carry on from their parents.
Here are some observances from myself (and others) about our own boys:
Charlie despises the blinding sunshine as much as I do (and did as a child). It hurts our eyes, causes us to squint, burns our flesh, and generally isn’t our friend. Unless it’s nice enough to play outside and then we head out armed with sunglasses, hats, and sunscreen. My mother has even recounted stories of shrieks from the backseat as the sunlight would hit my face ever so. My fairest-haired boy does the same.
Jack has….a temper. Daddy and I “discuss” often who he inherited this from. Thankfully, he is calming down on that end, so perhaps this is short-lived.
Charlie sleeps snuggled under a huge comforter, almost over his head. His daddy sleeps, under a White Sox blanket, which usually covers his head.
They each have a sweet tooth. I think they inherited that from me (and also their love of chocolate).
Each of our boys have their own blankie. They are both blue. Their daddy was attached to a ‘ye-yo’ blankie for quite some time.
Charlie enjoys lessons and reading. While I enjoy reading, math was my strong suit growing up, so I think he gets that from his daddy.
They are adorable (which they obviously inherited from me – haha!)
I’m sure there are others, but my absolute favorite (current) one is the likeness in making sure a plate (or food covered) surface is extra clean.
Be it a plate, a pan, or the top of a melted cheese container, Jack and his daddy know how to clean house (and from what I hear, Uncle Jason {daddy’s twin} is the exact same way!)
Yes. Sometimes I look at Elijah and I think – that was me as a child – except I’m a girl. It is UNCANNY!