Jack has really started to turn into quite the little person. Just like I talked about the latest and greatest about Charlie, here’s a few fun facts about Jack right now! (almost 17 months)
He knows quite a few words, such as Cat, Ball (Bawwwwwwwwww – cutest thing ever), Dada, Mama, Mum (nursing), More (and signs it), Ma (Momma), Pa (Poppy) and Noooooooo. He also has a few other words and currently mimics every sound we try to make!
He is fearless. This CREATES fear for me as his mother. He climbs to the top of the playground and hangs out. He steps close to the edge and I always fear he will tumble over. Just last week, I found him on TOP of my parents’ dining room table. He has also recent used a ride-on car to climb onto the train table.
He is a cuddle bug and he sleeps through the night (most nights) FINALLY! (And in his OWN bed!)
Jack will likely be the most tan in our family – which isn’t saying much. Despite slathering sunscreen, he still has managed the faintest tan & sandal lines.
He loves to EAT!
He loves to think he’s five years old and do what all the big kids do.
He is a tantrum-thrower (like for realz!)
He marches to the beat of his own drum and doesn’t care!
He loves his brother. Usually.
That’s how my niece is, who has an older brother. I think it’s something with the second child, no?