After much discussion, we finally settled on *the* costumes for the year. Considering our family blog (and Charlie’s OBSESSION with the Great Pumpkin), we figured this would be a perfect fit!
This Snoopy played music and delighted those who passed us by!
Our little Woodstock! (Thanks, Momma for helping with the costume!)
Jack with his treats!
Our nephew, Jasie, as a Lollipop Guild Munchkin! Cutie! Isn’t that hair hilarious?
This is after about 5 houses. Jack is already asleep….
Getting the Loot!
Getting some candy with Grandma! Looks like grandma already has some in her hand! 😉
Linus! (That’s actually Charlie’s blanket, but he allowed daddy to borrow it!)
Our beautiful handiwork!
Jasie loved the wagon! He didn’t want to leave!
WHATT?!?! You wonder how he is so cute?!?! Yeah, me too!
Brothers! (And a full trick or treat bag)
RUNNING to the last house! (Momma & Poppys!)
All the goodies…we made out like bandits!
We had an amazing time trick or treating with the boys this year. Charlie was such a blast and enjoyed running from house to house to house. His dialogue (which we had practiced) was the same. Knock, Knock, ‘Trick or Treat,’ ‘Fank you!’ He later added Happy Halloween and after each house recited the infamous lines from the Charlie Brown special, “I got a rock…” We did over 4 blocks and Charlie was beat! (He even managed to hold going to the potty the whole time!)
As a sidenote, Cousin Connor was a dragon, but we didn’t get any pictures with him since he was sleeping when we arrived. But we did see him later when he stopped by at Momma’s later to trick or treat! Super cute!
I love the costumes! Charlie looks excited, Jack looks adorable, and the Lollipop Guild kid is awesome!