We are quickly learning that baby J requires stations in order to be happy on a continual basis. During his awake time, the cycle usually consists of bouncy chair, bouncy chair WITH dangling animals, floor time, floor time WITH mirror, bumbo seat with toys, watching Charlie, flat mat with dangling toys, walking around, bouncing up and down, dancing, mirror time, singing, crib aquarium watching….etc. All of this is done at intervals throughout the course of approximately two hours of time. It is tiring! And at any moment, he can go ballistic and demand something new. He is SOOOOOO happy and smiley, but catch him in the wrong mood and he reminds me a LOT of the baby at the end of The Incredibles movie (also named Jack!) We added the exercise saucer – Around We Go – today and it was a HIT! (Thank goodness….) He thoroughly enjoyed checking out his new toy as did Charlie… (I looked back and we didn’t put Charlie in this until JULY – I’m guessing it’s because Charlie ADORED the swing and could be in there for hours if we let him. Jack, on the other hand, HATES it).
High maintenance just like his aunt! Adorable smile on the end. 😉
Sam, as a mom, I can’t help it… all your stories of Jack remind me of Oliver! Unfortunately for us, we never got good at figuring out a cycle of things for Oliver to do outside of us holding him. I clearly remember cycling through things to entertain him, though. I’d hold him up to the vacuum and let him examine it. I’d hold him up on our dresser to look in our bedroom mirror. I’d put him in his chair in front of the washing machine (it has a clear door, so he can see through. It was fascinating to him, and it was the only time I got a few moments to myself!). I’d sit with him on my lap and hand him random objects to examine (like the dental floss container–he loved that–and our kitchen whisk and an old camera and silicone cupcake holders, which he still likes).