With Spring right around the corner, I thought I’d do a little family spring-cleaning to see how we can better serve our family, friends, environment and ourselves. Each day, I’ll post a little something that we as a family will do either that day or this month and encourage you all to do the same! Happy almost Spring!
March 1:
You know that massive pile of non-plastic bags sitting in a closet? Use those EVERY time you go to the store this month – whether it be for groceries, clothing, or the like, have that bag at the ready and resist the urge to go plastic. I plan to keep a small sack of them in my car so that whenever we are out, we have NO excuse. I also have a smaller one I plan to stick in the diaper bag. I hope to report back at the end of this month that we resisted plastic as much as we could! Happy shopping!
I’m going to use you as my motivation! I’ve had reusable bags for years, but I forget them way more frequently than I remember them. From now on, I’m making it priority! Even if I’m halfway to the store and remember, I’ll turn around. I think that’s the only way I’ll finally get in the habit of grabbing them.
See, I put some in the car, but eventually they all end up in the house again.