Charlie seems to change so frequently and do things new each day, so I thought I’d dub Thursdays, “Charlie-isms” and cover any funny things he’s done or new things he’s doing at home!
For today, I’ll mainly cover what he knows/does right now:
He recites the alphabet song around the house in various voices. The ending is always, “E.T. Me” obviously directing us to sing with him next time.
He can count to 30. Usually. He has also taken to counting backwards from ten down to zero (particuarly when the microwave is going off).
He recognizes all letters and knows their various sounds. He also recognizes most of the above numbers.
He has begun to read 3-letter words: cat, hat, fox, box, sox (BOO!), and some others like the, in, an, on.
He’s starting to understand opposities and varying degrees of things like wet & dry, hot/warm/cold, bigger/smaller, on & off. I have started to work on prepositions with him and he’s catching on quickly (put this under there, take that off, put it on the couch, etc.)
He can do a TON for us around the house, like put clothes in the hamper, throwing out all dirty diapers (THANK GOODNESS, although a Ready, Set, Go! is always required), putting dishes in the sink, picking up toys. We have decided to start giving him some daily “chores” to do so that he knows how things go around here.
He knows how to start Jack’s wind-up elephant and how to put the binky in his mouth (Mommy lifesavers!!!!)
Anonymous says
I knew that Charlie would adjust well with Jack and help around the house. He is a very smart (and sometimes manipulative but shh don’t tell anybody I said that) little boy. I love him so much!
Aunt Sarah
whirledpeas1129 says
I’m always impressed with his language skills. Reading those short words is just flat-out amazing. I’ve been trying to get Oliver to pick up his toys before he moves on to his next task, too.
Is Charlie still OK without his binky, even though Jack has one? Or does he ever try to take it?