I’m flying solo today with the two little buggers for the first time. The only major concern at this point is my desire to eat everything in the kitchen. Just this past weekend, Jim was saying just how much Charlie is 100% Boy and I agree whole heartedly. With our newest little Mister in tow, I have a feeling our future is filled with trains, cars, & all things dirt. Just last night, after getting home from his first day back, Jim changed FOUR poopy diapers, one of which happened WHILE he was changing one…
Just some snapshots of our day so far…
As you remember, Charlie got an amazing train set for Christmas…that I never really learned to put together. So when he asked me today, I offered the wooden one first (MUCH easier to assemble) and he nixed that. On to the mega set then. This was the result of my efforts.
Have Grandpa Jim set up the train! He would love to do it for C.
Don’t worry, once you get it set up, he’ll take it apart! lol..at least that’s how Malachi rolls!!!