It’s amazing how quickly time flies when you are having fun. I figured I’d give our recap before we talk about 2011 and the resolutions we have as a family. (Six months updates are in RED; Year updates are in BLUE!)
Family Goals
1. Cut out fast food. Period.
This food is unnecessary, unhealthy, and not for our family. If the place does not require a tip for its service, we don’t eat there. Period. If someone buys it for us (i.e. family function), we may partake, but the choices must still be healthy. (The occasional ice cream treat will be acceptable, but this shall be the exception, NOT the rule).
Six Month Update: This is going fairly well. Although we’ve enjoyed the occasional time out, we generally steer clear of the worst of the worst. We can definitely do better though….after Chipotle & Wojo’s tonight. 😉
Year Update: This was a difficult one to stick to. Fast food is convenient & with the new Chik-Fil-A, I have found it to be my weakness. We HAVE done better at making good choices when we go to these places – we rarely order pop and we usually split the side of fries. We also get milk & apples for Charlie if and when we go to places like this. Overall, not terrible, but not fantastic either.
2. Live by the Caveman diet. Mostly.
If it didn’t live or didn’t grow in some way, we don’t consume it. With a few minor exclusions, this will be our general rule to live by.
Six Month Update: We did this really well. At first. We’ve since fallen off the wagon a bit. I’m hoping we can get it together again soon!
Year Update: Similar to the one above, we have done okay with this one. We still eat processed foods, but it’s in much scarcer quantities. We HAVE stepped into Organics quite a bit and have tried some new things. I’ve also taken a big leap and make smoothies for Charlie & I that include flax and (gulp!) spinach!
3. Update family blog three times per week.
This shouldn’t be too hard since I already do this.
Six Month Update: With the exception of a few weeks, I’ve done a pretty good job. I hope to continue to get better at it though.
Year Update: I have done this pretty well this year! I love having this digital scrapbook of our lives and hope to have it made into a book as I find the time!
4. Save money & decrease our debt.
Apart from student loans & mortgage, we hope to have all of our debt eliminated, including our recently acquired car loan. This goal is fairly lofty, especially considering the car loan, but I believe we can do it!
Six Month Update: Check as far as debt’s concerned. We need to work more on the savings part now!
Year Update: We have done well on both counts, but have not yet paid off the car. We HAVE saved though and most of our debt is now just contained in our student loans & mortgage.
5. Make at least 5 home renovations.
Currently, we are in talks with various subcontractors. We hope to start work on our home within the next month or so.
Six Month Update: Although plans have changed slightly, we have done some work on our own. Jim installed 2 new ceiling fans & a light fixture. He also fixed our running toilet & fixed the broken window in the kitchen. I consider this item done, but we’re continuing to make improvements.
Year Update: Since the six month update, we have also painted all areas of our bathrooms, updated the accessories and have added a new refrigerator and stove to the mix. We hope to continue to slowly make improvements as we save the money.
6. Expand our family.
You get this one.
Done. We are currently expecting our newest addition in January. Again. Mission Accomplished and baby-to-be will join our family in 6 (!!) days.
Goals for Charlie
1. Start walking.
No pressure here. It’s bound to happen SOME time this year…
Done. He took a few steps at 1, and then started really getting around at about 14 months or so. Mission Accomplished.
2. Start talking. More.
He may say “ball” and “good” and communicate with sign language, but let’s hope he has even more to say!
He’s definitely getting there! “mama”, “dada”, “peeees” (please), “Mine”, “Bih-bih-bih” (Binky), “Kiki” (Kaeli), “Jeh” (Jonathan), “Buzz” (Yes for buzz light year) & a bunch more! Mission Accomplished. He says SO much now, I can hardly keep track. He learns new words daily and especially knows the meaning of “Cool!”
3. Turn 1!
Lucky him! This will be accomplished in just a few short weeks!
Done! He’s now approaching the 18 month mark!Mission Accomplished and now he’s almost TWO!
Goals for Jim (Daddy)
1. Run a 5k in under 20 minutes
I’ll have to remind him of this…
Fail. The first 5k, we all walked because of early pregnancy and the 2nd 5k, Jim was ill….
2. By year’s end, bench-press 300 pounds.
In progress….
3. Fully adept at my new position within six months
Done & then some.
4. Take better care of my appearance
Done. He’s handsome. What can I say?
5. Take an active role in my friendships & building relationships
Jim had no real response for this.
Goals for Me (Mommy aka Samantha)
1. FINALLY get serious about getting healthy.
I’ve been heavy for too long and it’s about time for that to change. I want to be healthier AND lose weight.
In progress. I really got serious about it at the beginning of March & have been up and down now since May (finding out about pregnancy). I’d like to get back to being serious about it, even if I can’t lose weight, and then pick back up in January 2011.
I lost about 25 pounds this year, then got pregnant. I *think* I can accomplish some weight loss the first week of the New Year (wink, wink!)
2. Work out 3-4 times per week.
Whether it’s the Wii Fit, 30 Day Shred or Cardinal, I have to get MOVING!
I actively did this for a while, but now I just try to stay active about 3 days a week. I plan on increasing this as I enter this second trimester.
Fail. Hoping to change this in 2011.
3. Keep my house organized. Mostly.
I have a bad habit of this, but I’m starting out this year right, so we’ll see how that goes…
In progress….always.
Ready for baby for sure!
4. Scrapbook 3-4 pages per month.
I have the stuff, I have the subject matter, so now I just have to put it all together!
Major fail. I’m hoping to tackle this ENTIRE subject within the next month & get organized.
5. Take better care of my appearance
I need to make a better effort at the presentation of myself to others.
In progress. I’ve enjoyed having my hair long & taking care of my nails. It really gives me that extra boost I need!
Here’s to 2011!!!
whirledpeas1129 says
How fun that you kept track so well! I noticed your hair in your latest pregnancy photo, and it looks beautiful like that (I think it’s in a French twist). You’re so open declaring “FAIL” on some of your resolutions. I failed my resolution to do sit-ups every day, but I’m more sheepish about it. Good for you!
Samantha says
Eh, it helps no one really to be false about the ups and downs of life! 2010 was good to us, but we still have a lot to be done!
Happy almost New Year to you!