At twenty-two months old, I can hardly believe how ancient this child is. I figured I’d give a quick recap as to what he’s up to these days…
*He understands the potty. for the most part. He has run to flush the toilet after he goes in his own diaper, grabs his diaper and says “pee” after he urinates and says “pyoo-eeee” after…ya know. I was hoping to wait until after baby was born, but it seems more and more like he’s showing signs of readiness.
*We are relying on the double Bs (binky & blankie) less and less. We rarely use them in the car or take them places now and we encourage them to be used strictly for naps and night-time. I’m hoping to wean him even more after we get back this weekend.
*He is SO verbal now and repeats (or attempts to repeat) most of what we say.
*He enjoys opening the refrigerator and assessing the contents for a snack, “hmm”-ing and scratching his chin for effect I’m sure.
*He understands the word, “NO!” well and obeys…usually.
*Football is one of his favorite sports and he enjoys playing “hut-hut!” with daddy, even taking a three – point – stance (whatever that means)!
*He is 100% all boy – he enjoys getting dirty, playing with trucks, building things and playing with trains.
*He takes on nap a day (approx. 2 hours) and sleeps for about 11 hours at night.
*He LOVES to make people put on their shoes as if we always have SOMEwhere to be.
*He kisses and gives the best hugs (including our signature “family hug” song & dance). He enjoys giving kisses to the baby and likes doing “baby, baby, baby” while patting my belly, and then “big brother!” while patting his own head.
*He has recently taken a liking to carrying his own babies around while they are swaddled up. This simply melts my heart as he is so gentle with them and gives them kisses too!
*Toy Story 3 has recently landed in Momma’s home and he LOVES it! He could sit there transfixed just watching the adventures of Buzz & Woody.
*He ADORES older kids, particularly his older cousins. He could follow them around for DAYS if they’d let him. He also enjoys watching them play on their DSs.
*Fruit is one of his favorites! He enjoys eating apples and bananas like a big boy and uses silverware almost exclusively now for his regular food.
*The LeapFrog radio is a constant companion (on high volumes) as he practices his fave songs – Wheels on the Bus, Annie Ooo, and Take me out to the Ballgame!
*He can officially climb up on our high couches and enjoys catching the morning news with his faves – Kory, Sondra Solarte (traffic) and Mark Strehl (weather). He knows all of their names and points them out each time they come on the screen.
*He enjoys tents and caves courtesy of daddy on the bed. Mommy resists as much as she can so that she does not suffocate under such tight confines.
He is an amazing blessing to our lives daily. When he’s around, there is no shortage of laughter or love. He brightens every room he walks into and I couldn’t imagine life without him!
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