By now you’ve probably realized that I LOVE October, especially for all the birthday celebrations. One such birthday is for one of my best friends in this lifetime, Bethany (wearing all black). Having known each other for over four years now (if my math is right), she has seen the ups and downs of my life closer than most people I know. She holds secrets, loves life to its fullest, and has taught me much about everything!
After suffering my second miscarriage, she spoke some of the wisest words to me and helped pick up thousands (!!!!) of Christmas needles from my carpet after I had thrown the Christmas tree out in my anger. She helped me celebrate the birth of my first miracle and even threw a Pumpkin-themed (LOVE THAT) shower to help usher Charlie in. She is thoughtful, giving, and caring and I know many are lucky to call her friend.
So today, this post’s for you, friend! I love you and all that you have enriched my life with these past years. May you have a glorious and beautiful day with the men in your life! You deserve it! Happy Birthday!!!
What a beautiful tribute to your friend! Sam, she’s lucky to have you in her life, too!
I agree with whirledpeas1129. That lady is BLESSED BEYOND BLESSED to have a friend like you. 🙂