Yeppers, my posts are lacking in this department, but I’ll update more frequently. I think.
How far along: 27 weeks
Total weight gain: Up 3 pounds (but this month may prove to be disastrous…)
Maternity clothes: Mix!
Sleep: Pretty good actually!
Best Moment this week: Entering the third trimester!!
Movement: Yeppers! This little one enjoys kicking my left side repeatedly and tugging near my belly button.
Gender: It’s been a while, so I’ll go with boy.
Labor signs: N/A, although I think (unlike with Charlie) I’m experiencing sporadic Braxton Hicks this time.
Belly button: In
Cravings: SWEETS!
What I miss: chasing after Charlie with all my might. 😉
Stretch Marks: HELP! Actually, they aren’t that bad.
What is different this time around: I think I’m SO less ready than last time…
What I am looking forward to this week: spending time with my boys & little Ethan’s FIRST birthday party!
Sam, I got the *worst* stretch marks from my pregnancy! The doctor called it a “sun burst,” which wasn’t so bad while I was pregnant… but once I delivered, those stretch marks shrivelled and sagged.