How far along: 22 weeks
Total weight gain: I see the doctor Tuesday and will report at 23 weeks!
Maternity clothes: A mixture!
Sleep: Interrupted for bathroom breaks
Best Moment this week: Feeling stronger kicks & seeing my belly move!
Movement: Yuppers! The baby likes to kick/punch at the top & the bottom at the same time…we’re in trouble!
Gender: Boy. This child is active, like an athlete, & that’s what’s leaning me towards boy this week!
Labor signs: N/A
Belly button: In
Cravings: Saltiness
What I miss: being able to hold Charlie for eons…
Stretch Marks: Yes…don’t get me started!
What is different this time around: Not much!
What I am looking forward to this week: labor day (an extra day off of work!)
I can’t believe you are already getting up in the night to go to the bathroom! Are you uncomfortable when you sleep yet?
This child pushes down on my bladder & ribs at the same time!! It’s more because of me drinking water and so far, sleep has yet to be difficult. I’m usually just exhausted by night-s end – THANK YOU CHARLIE for that. 🙂