With the invention of cell phones, sharing pictures of my little beloved is so simple! Since he was born, I attempt (usually) to send a daily pic of his antics to the “Morning Group” – Momma, Poppy, Riya & Sarai. Through this technology, they have captured his first oohs, first steps, and the general mayhem of his daily life! Over time, I found out that when I sent pictures to Riya as part of the Morning Group, this really constituted a much larger group of people – her co-workers! From what I heard, they eagerly awaited the daily Charlie pic as did some of her students (I even went so far one year as to get every students’ names and make “Hi” so and so signs from Charlie himself and printed off pictures for each of them).
Imagine my surprise when at Sarai’s bridal shower two weeks ago, some family members asked where Charlie was. Upon their inquiry, an entire table turned to me and said, “You’re Charlie’s mom!?!?” I was obviously surprised and quickly figured out that these were the extension of the Morning Group texts I send daily. They seemed happy to finally meet me and another called out that her niece (a beauty pageant winner(!!!!!)) was going to be Charlie’s future wife. I couldn’t believe how famous my little boy had become…
Until this past weekend. While out at Chili’s, enjoying a stupendous lunch, Jim and I heard (from somewhere) “Is that CHARLIE!?!?!” We looked at one another, thinking one of two things: 1. Someone really DID know Charlie and was referring to our son OR 2. They were obviously talking about someone entirely different with the same name. A few seconds later, Margie (the beautiful niece’s aunt) stopped by our table to visit and “fawn” over him. She luckily had her cell phone ready and we captured his first-ever public sighting on film:
I bet she was super excited!
I love that he’s a mini-celebrity!
I liked Charlie before he was famous.
By the way, I think he looks sooo handsome in his new haircut! He looks like a little man!