We went to the zoo with Grandma and Grandpa today (Daddy’s mom & dad). It was loads of fun! Your most favorite part was running around with the goats – your first time officially meeting them on your own! You refused to sleep, you wanted to walk everywhere (which takes quite a bit of TIME!) and you stepped on many cracks to break my back along the way. You were at the height of your game and precious to boot!
Warning: Picture overload…

Look at the goats eating!
“Let me in there, dad!!”

Oh, that’s so cute! Is the Little Red School House still open? I bet he’d love it there.
Have you ever taken Charlie into Lake Katherine’s nature center house? They have a two level house. The downstairs section has guinea pigs, rabbits, fish, snakes, frogs, and turtles.
Oops. I forgot to sign my name. Sarah