I can hardly believe that we are standing on the verge of your 1st birthday! I was reminiscing last night about going into labor and could hardly believe that the tiny baby I delivered is a little man now. My friend, Bethany, recently said that you are a constant reminder that God indeed does miracles. And I’m so thankful that you are ours.
Mommy & Daddy
Kaeli – she’s shorter than most adults, but you reach for her, smile at her screeches, and she takes care of you. You have a special bond that I’m sure will only grow as you get older.
BLANKETS!! (Specifically your soft white fleece one that says baby on it – you look at it longingly in your crib when I take you out for the day)
Binkies – you’ve gotten really great at putting them in and out of your mouth – you also pop them out very quickly to shove the food in!
Food, in general. You eat constantly and when you are finishing a meal, you look for more. You have a sweet tooth (that we harness).
People – you are a people person! You perform when we are out in public, you do the “shy-guy” act, and you constantly put your arms up for “So Big!”
Books – particularly pop-ups. When daddy reads to you at night, you help turn the pages and are constantly looking around for the next one.
Animals still! Stitch ONLY comes out when you are around (she even lets you pet her) and even Jake has yet to attack you.
Your polar bear toy (Arctic Puffin & Polar Bear are your favorites from the set) from Santa at the Brookfield Zoo
You enjoy counting! You point to different things and we count for you – you point to the next one waiting for the next number.
Your ABC flip book – I have yet to mention this, but you are OBSESSED with this thing. Daddy flips it for you, he reads it to you, and you point when you get to the numbers. When it comes out, you start violently waving your arms and oohing!
People’s faces – you enjoy exploring all the different parts!
*Thanksgiving (and feast) – you tried SO much that day!
*Black Friday
*Sleepover (at Mimi & Uncle David’s house with Mommy and Daddy)
*Time watching Elf
*First word – “Ball” (more like “BaH”, but you know what you are saying)
*”Go (sounds like “Guh”) for Good (in most instances, this is referring to pizza)
*First celebration of Daddy’s birthday
*Brunch at the Zoo with Santa
*Meeting Santa Claus!
*Time at Bass Pro Shop (You LOVED it! Daddy sees a long winter there…)
*Craft time with Momma and Poppy….you didn’t make ANY crafts and were crabby.
*First Progressive Dinner (Sarai/Ryan, Mommy/Daddy, Eros/Aunt Lois/Momma)
*First Million Miler Breakfast with Poppy and Daddy
*First time in a big boy bath
*First time meeting Great Great Aunt Virginia
*First time with Fisher Price Nativity scene
*First Christmas Tree!
*”SO BIG!”
*TWO TEETH (Bottom two) – right in time for Thanksgiving!!!
*Size 3 and 4 diapers (cloth included)
*You wear mostly 12-18 months clothing. Most people are surprised to hear 18 months, but you are a little beast (in a good way). Grandma Kathleen’s 18 month pj’s are almost too tight!
You still hate the word NO! and have resorted to “talking back” to me. You have such sass! You also dislike NOT being included in eating festivities. You strongly dislike being in a kitchen and NOT being fed. Books that do not include pop-ups or parts that you can touch and feel.
Can you really almost be ONE year old!?!? I hope this month goes by slowly, but with Christmas, I know that it won’t…Don’t get any bigger or do anything else that makes you a big boy! What a blessing you have been and we are so THANKFUL for you!
I love the last picture! He has gotten so big and he is so stinkin’ cute. What a blessing!
I LOVE that first picture! He is so cute~I just love him!
Love, Auntie Mimi