The tradition of cupcakes and suzy-q’s continued and Charlie even got to try some suzy-q! He LOVED it! He also loved watching the candles waver as Daddy (and he) sang to me.
Charlie and Daddy continued with the past, present and future theme – The Office, Season 5 on DVD, a Food Grinder attachment for my KitchenAid Mixer, and the rest of my year at Cardinal (should I choose to go – which I hope to continue). I especially loved the “hand-written” card from my little Charlie – I love both of these wonderful boys in my life!
We then spent the rest of the day lounging with family at my mom’s house. I received a seizure of texts from the youth group at church and warm chicken pot pie greeted me at my mother’s table.
Uncle David with the Boys
Charlie trying pot pie for the first time!
The day was gorgeous and relaxing and even allowed for some time to play in the leaves….
I love the picture of you and Charlie in the leaves. It is definitely one for a frame. Charlie is getting so big, OMG! Why do they have to get so big so quick?! He is absolutely adorable!