It goes without saying that you are the greatest gift I have received and the most wonderful blessing to your daddy’s life and mine! You continue to amaze me and I just love you to pieces!
Mommy (You look for me in a room and sort of reach for me!)
Still Food (A LOT)
Pacifier (You are pretty close to getting it in your mouth and leaving it there!)
Anything by David Crowder (especially when Daddy jumps around to the music on YouTube)
White furry monkey with a belly button at Momma’s House
Kicking your kick bar and making noises
Grabbing any and everything you see – especially parts of a person’s face!
Swimming pools (You LOVE the water and especially try to jump in them – you’ve even managed to take a liking to the baths *gasp*)
Penny – the LaPav’s dog!
*Sitting up ALL ON YOUR OWN! You started this a few weeks ago at the church picnic. I just plopped you down and there you sat. You’re are still a little unsteady here or there, but you are no longer content to just lay on the ground. You love to sit and play with your toys.
*You are rolling all around now, every which way, and somehow getting somewhere. You aren’t crawling yet, but you really want to get places. You get frustrated and whimper at the things you aren’t able to do yet.
*Swim (at Momma and Poppy’s – you hated it at first, but quickly realized what fun it could be!!
*Peas (later homemade)
*July Fourth
*trip to the Evergreen Park Parade
*fireworks show
*time babysat by cousins and Aunt Mimi and Uncle David
*You were dedicated!
*Father’s Day celebration for Daddy
*time on the baby swing at the park
*HOMEmade baby food – sweet potato!
*graduation parties
*Homemade bananas
*visit to Uncle Terry and Aunt Shirley’s house
*Stone Church Annual picnic
*Peaches (homemade also)
*Homemade applesauce
*Homemade squash
*A DILL PICKLE! (One of your faves!)
*Trip in your around-we-go!
*Custard from the trolley
*Homemade Green Beans
*Being watched by the LaPav family
*Countryside concert in the park
*Time held captive (see post from yesterday)
*Still sleeping through the night, but now CONSECUTIVELY (for a while) in your own bed (AND without interruptions for binky replacement)
*Size 2-3 diapers for sure and ALMOST size 3
*Size 3-6 months clothes, some 9 months
You are generally a very content baby and there’s not much that you don’t like. You still aren’t a huge fan of your Jumperoo and you dislike that you can’t quite get where you “need to go” yet. You have become very opinionated and become FIXATED on things that you want, like a certain toy or a certain place in the house.
I can hardly believe that half of a year has passed us by already. You amaze me with your constant movement and the new little things you do each day. I love snuggling with you and snatching you up in the early morning and bringing you back to bed with us for a few more hours sleep. My heart bursts when I see your picture and you are love in its purest form.
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